Marinated Roasted-Peppers

There’s something about pickling/preserving/putting stuff in jars that makes me so happy and like I’m a regular Martha Stewart (minus the stock market shady business). When these beautiful peppers arrived in my veggie box, I knew I wanted to try making those flame-roasted peppers I see people use in recipes all the time. They were simple to make, and great to add to pasta, sandwiches, pizza and shakshuka.

There really isn’t a recipe, but here are some general guidelines.

Recipe: Marinated Roasted-Peppers


5-10 ripe peppers (they were a few mixed varieties)
Olive oil (regular is fine. You’ll need enough to submerge the roasted peppers in the jar)
3-4 cloves garlic, peeled
Rosemary (can use another woody herb like thyme also. I’m not soo sure about basil etc)

Hold the peppers one by one over a flame (like you would with eggplant), until the skin is charred
Place into a brown paper bag and close the opening to retain heat.
Repeat with the remaining peppers.
Now remove the skin off the peppers, once slightly cool.
In a small pan, add a few spoons of olive oil and some peeled garlic. Heat the oil until the garlic becomes lightly golden. Take it off the flame, it will continue to cook.
Add the peppers to a clean glass jar. (I sterilised mine, but I’m not sure it’s necessary.)
Add in the herbs, followed by the garlic.
Now add in enough olive oil to cover the peppers. Squish them down a bit so they remain submerged.
Close the jar and put away for a few days. Enjoy!